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“Syrian mHealth: Quality of Life Care (QOL Care)” project developed and implemented a digital mental healthcare service for the Syrian refugees in Jordan. IT University of Copenhagen (ITU), Denmark, designed and implemented the service in partnership with Jordan Health Aid Society International (JHASi). The project is funded by Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF), Denmark.

The Syrian refugees in Jordan continue to experience a deep humanitarian crisis because of the ongoing conflict in Syria. They are compounded by the daily stressors of displacement, including poverty, lack of basic needs and services, ongoing risks of violence and exploitation, isolation and discrimination, loss of family and community supports, and uncertainty about the future. This one-year long project (Oct 2021 – Sep 2022) is trying to address mental health among Syrian refugees in the Zaatari camp using a digital screening platform. The community health workers (CHW) use a digital application to screen Syrian refugees at their doorsteps and refer to the project's psychologists for diagnosis and counselling sessions. Psychologists use a web-based dashboard to check screen data, update patients' diagnosis profiles, and keep the record of counselling sessions. The psychologist can also refer a Syrian refugee beneficiary to a psychiatrist for treatment and prescription.

The project partners used participatory design methodology by involving all stakeholders in creating the new mHealth application on mental health. The project's output will be the delivery of 15 000 screenings for mental health issues, which may result in the number of referrals to counselling and further diagnostics.

Lead Design and Implementing Organization

IT University of Copenhagen (ITU)

Implementing Partner in Jordan:

Jordan Health Aid Society (JHASi)

Funding Agency:

Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF)